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Brexit statement

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The decision made by the UK to leave the European Union, or ‘Brexit’ as it has become known, means that we must embrace the challenges that this decision will bring. In order to ensure that our business is sustainable, we have put into place a number of strategies which will ensure the strongest possible outcome for our company.

On 1st January 2020 Britain will exit the European Union.

iLECSYS currently has a foot in both the distribution and the manufacturing camp and we have to deal with each a bit differently. The distribution side is relatively easy because we have an understanding of past component requirements. We are fortunate enough to have large warehouse facilities allowing for a greater level of stock to be carried. This has been further enhanced by our very recent move from Stockport to Warrington. In total iLECSYS has over 100,000 sq ft of distribution warehouse space.

The manufacturing side of the business is slightly different as, very often, it is dealing with orders that are project based. We are in a strong position in that we manufacture a lot of our own components and bespoke equipment here in the UK.

So what are we doing about this?

We will continue to monitor our stock levels closely so to provide a continuous supply.
Prior to the 1st January we will be increasing our inventory to buffer any unforseen circumstances where stock coming into Britain may be delayed.
We encourage all customers, where possible, to place scheduled orders. We will then be able to guarantee stock holding for those orders.
We are confident that we are taking the correct steps in reducing the effects of BREXIT. If you would like to discuss this further then please contact us on 01844 397300.

Grace Tipson